Chamber resources

Listed here are resources available to Woodland businesses and Chamber members through the Woodland Chamber of Commerce.

If you or your organization provides resources to businesses, we would love to hear about them and pass them along to our membership. If you believe your services should be listed here with other business resources, please contact the Chamber office.

City of Woodland Special Events Committee & Calendar

The City of Woodland's Special Events Committee represents every City department and considers applications submitted by the community to hold public events, especially for events that require road closures. Check out the links below for more information.

Committee Information Special Events Calendar

City, County, and State Officials

Get in touch with the offices of your state and local officials using the link below.

State & Local Officials

Business Counseling with the Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center

The Sacramento Valley SBDC offers no-cost business advising at the Chamber of Commerce office once a month to both Chamber members and non-members. Click the button below to schedule an appointment.

Schedule an Appointment

Business License Information from the City of Woodland

The City of Woodland issues and renews business licenses. To apply for a new license, download and fill out the application, then deliver it to Community Development Department, City Hall, 300 First Street between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Learn more License Application

myWoodland Citizen Problem Reporter App

Report non-emergency issues or request service in our community using the myWoodland Citizen Problem Reporter app. Users can anonymously submit reports, view previously submitted issues, and comment on submissions from other users.

Learn more

Woodland Chamber of Commerce Partnership with the California Restaurant Association

The Woodland Chamber of Commerce on the California Restaurant Association have partnered to provide our restaurant members the resources they need to thrive. Learn more about this partnership and the benefits available to members at no cost by click the button below.


YoloWorks! Human Resources Hotline

A free Human Resources Hotline is available to Yolo County businesses in both English and Spanish. Developed in collaboration with the California Employers Association, Yolo County Workforce Innovation Board, and YoloWorks!, this service provides businesses with a plethora of online resources, addressing key areas that can impact their operations:

  • Best Practices for Hiring and Termination
  • Understanding Paid Sick Leave Laws
  • Navigating Wage and Hour Laws
  • Developing Effective Employee Handbook Policies
  • Ensuring Human Resources Compliance
  • Creating Workplace Accommodations

The hotline operates Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and can be accessed by calling 1-888-900-7791.

English Español

Join a Chamber Committee

The Woodland Chamber of Commerce convenes many purpose-built committees, such as our Business Advocacy Committee or our Downtown Business Committee. Committees provide a great avenue for getting more directly involved with the community and the Chamber of Commerce in an area that has more direct and immediate impact on you and your business.


Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors

The Chamber Ambassadors are a group of volunteers who represent the Chamber in the community, get more hands-on involvement with Chamber events, and want to take a more proactive approach to networking.


Homeless Outreach Street Team (H.O.S.T)

The issues associate with homelessness are often criminal, but are also difficult to enforce. In order to provide better services and resources to this group of at-risk citizens, the Woodland Police Department created the Homeless Outreach Street Team, or HOST for short.

This team deals specifically with non-emergency issues related to homelessness. You can report issues or concerns to:

Homeless Outreach Street Team

Hotline Phone: 530-661-7879

Email Homeless Outreach Street Team

Learn more

Certificates of Origin

Certificates of Origin are documents used in international trade to attest that the products listed in the associated export originate from a given country. Requirements for Certificates of Origin may vary depending on the customs regulations of the importing country, so coordinate Certificates of Origin with your clients.

The Woodland Chamber of Commerce is an authorized third-party for verifying Certificates of Origin. Filled Certificates of Origin can be brought to the Woodland Chamber of Commerce office to receive our signature, stamp, and seal. This service is free for Chamber members and $50 for non-members.

Sample Template

Public Transportation

The Yolo Transportation District (YoloTD) runs two primary public transportation services: Yolobus and BeeLine. Yolobus is Yolo County's public bus option with routes going throughout the county. BeeLine, on the other hand, is a new on-demand rideshare service for shorter trips, smaller vehicles, and integration with modern technology. Click the links below to learn more about the bus routes and the Beeline service available to visitors and residents.

Yolobus Routes Beeline

Public Policy Issues and Concerns

The Chamber convenes a Business Advocacy Committee to discuss pressing issues in the public realm. These can be issues ranging from crime, safety, code enforcement, and other such topics that are directly influenced by public policy. If you have a specific topic or area of concern, we invite you to let our Business Advocacy Committee know by filling out the form linked below.

Form Submission

Chamber of Commerce Business Survey

The Chamber of Commerce always wants to hear about the state of your business. By clicking the button below, you can take the Chamber's business survey to inform the actions that the Chamber can take to improve conditions for your business.

Take the Survey
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